The CFU Away Travel is available to all Cambridge United first team away matches (excluding Trophy matches).
Prices and departure times will vary, depending on the distance of the away game. All details will be published at and on social media.
They Greys of Ely coaches will depart from the Isle of Ely Pub in Ely and then pick up at Marshalls in Cambridge. An additional pick up at Brampton Hut will be decided on a match-by-match basis.
Coach seats can be purchased in person at the Abbey Stadium on matchdays, over the phone by
You can ring Away Travel on 07591 111251
Email [email protected]
Conditions of Carriage for Official Coach Travel
1. Carriage Service
I. Your Ticket - Your ticket - your coach ticket is your email confirmation letter and is a record of our agreement (CAMBRIDGE FANS UNITED) to arrange transport for you (supporter) to an away fixture. Your ticket is the property of CAMBRIDGE FANS UNITED and shall be returned to us at any time if requested.
II. Ownership of Ticket - Your ticket remains the property of CAMBRIDGE FANS UNITED at all times and if a ticket is defaced, damaged or lost, it is not valid for travel. CAMBRIDGE FANS UNITED reserves the right to refuse the sale of a ticket. Coach tickets are non-transferable.
2. Passenger Responsibilities
I. Young Persons Travel - Any passenger under the age of 16 MUST be accompanied by a responsible adult. CAMBRIDGE FANS UNITED will not authorise any travel for any child without an accompanying adult. One responsible adult may only be accompanied by a maximum of three under 16s.
II. Young Persons Permission to Travel - Young Person’s aged of 16 and 17 years may travel unaccompanied, or with other young persons provided that an authorisation to travel form has been completed. This can be downloaded from our website or available from the CFU Outlet but must be signed and returned to the club by a parent or guardian. We will not accept this form if it is brought into the club by the young person. The form will then be held by Cambridge Fans United for the season, along with a photograph.
Young Persons Travel Policy Statement with downloadable Code of Conduct and Permission to Travel forms
III. Early arrival at the Stadium - You should ensure that you arrive at the boarding point at least 15 minutes before your confirmed departure time, and likewise on your return journey.
IV. Consequences of late arrival - CAMBRIDGE FANS UNITED will not be liable for any form of refund should you miss the departure time from either stadium.
V. Mid journey refreshment breaks - It is your responsibility to ensure your punctual return to the coach at the designated time made on the day by the driver. CAMBRIDGE FANS UNITED are not obliged to delay the coach in order to wait for you, and CAMBRIDGE FANS UNITED will not be liable should you miss the coach due to your late return. CAMBRIDGE FANS UNITED will not reimburse any additional costs / travelling expenses that you may incur as a result of missing the coach.
3. Cambridge Fans United Responsibilities
I. Our obligation to carry you - It is our obligation to arrange transport for you to and from your chosen away fixture.
II. Circumstances beyond CAMBRIDGE FANS UNITED control -
CAMBRIDGE FANS UNITED and the arranged transport provider shall have no liability for any delay or failure caused by a circumstance beyond our responsible control. For example
- Accidents causing delays to the service
- Exceptional weather conditions
- Postponement to fixtures on route
- Compliance with the request of the police, or other security services
- Unforeseen traffic delays
- Problems caused by other passengers.
4. Passenger Behaviour
I. Required / Permitted behaviour - CAMBRIDGE FANS UNITED wish all supporters to have a pleasant and comfortable journey. Therefore ALL supporters will
- Behave in a reasonable, sensible, considerate and lawful manner whilst on the coach towards fellow passengers and at the away stadium and adhere to ground regulations
- Fully comply with any requests made to you by the coach driver
- Use mobile phones and other electronic or similar devices considerately.
II. Prohibited behaviour - You will not
- Bring alcoholic refreshments or any form of illegal substance on board the coach
- Have in your possession any form of pyrotechnics, flares, smoke bombs, or anything that emits smoke or visible gas
- Have glass bottles or other similar items in your possession
- Be abusive, violent, threatening or use foul or abusive language to the coach driver or any other passengers
- Conduct yourself in any way which may endanger your fellow passengers or the coach driver
- Cause discomfort, inconvenient, damage, distress or injury to any fellow passengers or the coach driver
- Smoke on board the coach
- Vandalise the coach or items on board the coach.
5 If any supporter fails to comply with the behaviour outlined in point 4 above, Cambridge Fans United (CFU) will ban the individual(s) from using the Official Coach Service for a period of time deemed necessary by the CFU Trust Board.